8 Lowongan Kerja Terbaru At Telkomsel Cooperation

Here is new job vacancy at Koperasi Telkomsel.

1. Staff administration

  • Female
  • age max 25 years old
  • education D3 Financial / secretary / management/informatics
  • Not married
  • work experience at least 2 years

2. Public administration staff – project

  • max age 28 years
  • S1 Architectural education
  • work experience minimum of 3 years (preferably work experience in the contractor or consultant architect)

3. Technical Staff

  • max age 30 years
  • education S1 or D3 Electrical Engineering/Telecommunications
  • work at least 1 year

4. IT Staff

  • max age 30 years
  • at least D3 engineering education/computer / system Analyst / informatics engineering / management information
  • work experiences at least 1 year

5. Organization & Staff Development

  • max age 32 years
  • education S1 Psychology or Human Resource Management
  • work experience in the field of Organization Development & minimum 2 years

6. Staff Event Organizer

  • max age 35 years
  • D3 minimal education
  • work experience in EO at least 2 years (to make budget and program planning, implementation and evaluation of the program)
  • discipline and loyalty high

7. Office Boy / Office Girl

  • max age 23 years
  • education SMIP / SMK
  • experience at least 2 year.

8. Driver

  • Male max 40 years of age
  • minimal education High School or equivalent
  • have a sim
  • at least 2 years experience

Letter of application and CV may be sent to:
HR Organization & Staffing
Graha Lt Sucofindo B1
Jl. Raya
Pasar Minggu Kav. 34
Jakarta Selatan 12780
or email to:
hr.od @ mykisel.com
hr.od (at) mykisel (dot) com

search term : lowongan kerja 2009, lowongan telkomsel, administrasi, staff IT, driver

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