Management Trainee 2010

Our Group Companies Inti Perkasa Pattern (PIP) in the field of Sales & Rental Bekisting materials, Peri Formwork and Scaffolding needed manpower for the position: Management Trainee

Prepared to occupy various positions in marketing division, among others: Drafter, Estimator, Sales Engineer, Sales Support and Marketing Engineer. Location task in Pandaan and Bali.

a. Man
b. Age maximal 30 years
c. SMK Building Department, the average minimum 7.00
d. D3 / S1 Teknik Sipil, IPK minimal 2.75
e. Mastering Ms. programs. Office (Excel, Word), AutoCAD,
f. Mastering the SAP program / STAAD preferred
g. Willing to test in the office at Pandaan – Pasuruan
h. Willing to be placed in all parts of Indo nesia

Vacancy closing date: January 30, 2010

Send your complete application file to:
Jl. Raya Surabaya-Malang Km. 49-50,
Pandaan – Pasuruan

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1 Comment

  1. rosyadi said,

    December 18, 2009 at 1:30 pm

    kalo s1 teknik industri boleh gak? 😀

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