Reporter SWA

SWA Magazine Group invite you to join our team as reporter, account executive, and sales executive. Here are the requiremen for each positions:


  • Bachelor degree
  • Strong interest in journalism
  • Having knowledge in economy & business field
  • Fluent in English
  • Maximum age 25
  • Enclose article about economy & business issue (5000 characters)


  • Associate degree
  • Preferably having experience in B2C and B2B
  • Maximum age 27
  • Having motorcycle and driving licence type C


  • Associate degree (Advertising/ Communication/ Public Relation/ Marketing)
  • Preferably having experience as Account Executive in print media industry
  • Maximum age 27

Please send your covering letter, recent photograph, curriculum vitae, and any supporting documents to :

HRD SWA Magazine Group
Taman Tanah Abang III No. 23 Jakarta 10160

Or email to:

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