Archive for Journalist

Reporter SWA

SWA Magazine Group invite you to join our team as reporter, account executive, and sales executive. Here are the requiremen for each positions: Read the rest of this entry »

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Lowongan Kerja Reporter

Globe Media Group, a group of newspaper and magazine company, is looking for young professionals with a big passion in challenging environment to join our team as: Read the rest of this entry »

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Lowongan Kerja at Global TV, Production Crew

PT. Global Informasi Bermutu (GTV) was established in March 22nd, 1999. Since it first aired in October 8th 2001, GLOBAL TV has quickly positioned itself as the youngest, private, national coverage TV station in Indonesia targeted for young audience. Read the rest of this entry »

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Lowongan Kerja Journalist, Programmer, Designer at Detik

PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom’s holding company of, Indonesia’s leading of media online & internet services. We would like to invite highest standards of professional in fulfilling our business goal and objectives, for the following position.
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