Lowongan Kerja IT at Pt GarudaFood Putri Putra Jaya

PT GARUDAFOOD PUTRI PUTRA JAYA, F & B Manufacturing (Gery Chocolatos, Romeo-Juliet, Kacang Atom Garuda, OOKY Jelly Drink, Mount Tea, Leo, Snack, etc …)

Currently open job position as a staff IT / MIS.

Qualifications are as follows:

  • Male, age 28 Max Year
  • S1 Computers (Information / Information System) IPK Min 2.8 (scale of 4)( Fresh Graduate are welcome)
  • Have ability to Controlling Hardware / Software Troubleshooting, Network (LAN / WAN), Windows 2003 Server (Active Directory), VB, Crystal Report, SQL Server
  • Willing to be placed throughout the Philippines (Paarl)

Please send your application & the latest photos before December 20, 2008

Email to: @ tino.hariyadi garudafood.co.id

related search : bursa lowongan kerja terbaru, Staff IT, Computer Science, S1

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